Crown Made a 'Mockery' of 2 Treaties with First Nations for 150 Years, Supreme Court Rules

Crown Made a 'Mockery' of 2 Treaties with First Nations for 150 Years, Supreme Court Rules

Posted by J. Hartung on Jul 27, 2024


At Turtle Island Market, we are deeply committed to supporting and promoting Indigenous culture, heritage, and rights. Recent news from the Supreme Court of Canada has brought significant attention to the ongoing struggles and injustices faced by Indigenous communities. In a unanimous decision, the Supreme Court ruled that the Crown has violated revenue-sharing agreements with the Anishinaabe of the upper Great Lakes for the past 150 years. This ruling is a crucial step towards justice and reconciliation, and it highlights the importance of supporting Indigenous movements.

The Supreme Court Ruling

Historical Context

The Robinson-Huron and Robinson-Superior treaties were signed in 1850 between the Crown and the Anishinaabe people living around Lake Superior and Lake Huron. These treaties involved the ceding of over 100,000 square kilometers of territory in exchange for annual payments to the First Nations groups. Despite an increase in 1875, these payments have remained stagnant at $4 per person, far below what was originally envisioned.

The Unanimous Decision

The Supreme Court of Canada's recent ruling stated that the governments of Ontario and Canada have made a "mockery" of their treaty obligations by failing to increase the annual per-head resource extraction revenues since 1875. This ongoing failure has undermined the honor of the Crown and left the Anishinaabe with an "empty shell of a treaty promise." The ruling emphasizes the need to return to the foundations of the treaty relationship and rekindle the perpetual relationship envisioned by the Robinson treaties.

The Impact on Indigenous Communities

Restoring the Honor of the Crown

The ruling does not award a financial settlement to the Huron or Superior Anishinaabe First Nations but sets out the Crown's obligations to negotiate an increase in resource revenues retrospectively and into the future. This decision is a significant step towards restoring the honor of the Crown and addressing the historical injustices faced by Indigenous communities.

Economic Empowerment and Cultural Preservation

By increasing the annual payments, the Crown can help ensure the economic empowerment of Indigenous communities. This financial support is crucial for preserving cultural heritage, supporting community programs, and promoting sustainable development. The ruling reinforces the importance of honoring treaty agreements and upholding the commitments made to Indigenous peoples.

The Role of Indigenous Clothing Brands

Supporting Indigenous Movements

At Turtle Island Market, we believe in the power of supporting Indigenous movements and contributing to the economic empowerment of Indigenous communities. Indigenous clothing brands play a vital role in preserving and promoting Indigenous culture. Each piece of clothing tells a story, reflecting traditional knowledge, symbols, and artistry. By supporting these brands, you are helping to sustain cultural practices and empower Indigenous artisans.

Promoting Awareness and Reconciliation

The Supreme Court's ruling is a reminder of the importance of promoting awareness about Indigenous rights and the need for genuine reconciliation. Indigenous clothing brands like Turtle Island Market help raise awareness and foster understanding by sharing the stories and traditions of Indigenous peoples. By choosing to support these brands, you are contributing to a more equitable and inclusive society.

National Indigenous Peoples Day

Celebrating Indigenous Heritage

As we approach National Indigenous Peoples Day on June 21, let us reflect on the significance of this day and the recent Supreme Court ruling. National Indigenous Peoples Day is a time to celebrate the unique heritage, diverse cultures, and outstanding achievements of First Nations, Inuit, and Métis peoples. It is an opportunity to honor their contributions and recognize the importance of reconciliation.

Join the Celebration

At Turtle Island Market, we commemorate National Indigenous Peoples Day by highlighting the stories behind our designs and sharing the voices of Indigenous artists. Join us in celebrating this day by exploring our latest collections and learning more about the heritage they represent.


The Supreme Court's ruling is a significant milestone in the journey towards justice and reconciliation for the Anishinaabe people. At Turtle Island Market, we are committed to supporting Indigenous communities through our curated selection of clothing and accessories. By supporting Indigenous clothing brands, you are helping to promote cultural preservation, economic empowerment, and genuine reconciliation.